Tis the season for Cain's birthday and CHRISTMAS!

I adore my husband.

In every way he amazes me, the love I have for him just grows with every session of life we share together. He is an amazing man and friend...

He also is a big distraction from my work! My clients hopefully haven't suffered from this yet because I have try to be very stern with him when he asks to lay on the couch and cuddle up with him when I should be working! I normally have to say I'm sorry, I have to work! ... but today, like many other days his batting eye lashes and sweet smile wins and I give in to the cuddles.

You'll just have to believe when I say there is no saying "No" to those eye lashes!

Cain has taught me a lot about just relaxing and not to feel stressed all the time. Though my personality is to over react and stress over the little things...

 "She comes from a long line of major over reactors" - NAME THAT MOVIE

This week Cain will win every time because it's his Birthday week! He got lucky seeing how his Birthday isn't until Sunday, he gets the whole week to be extra spoiled.

The next couple of weeks I am going to try extra hard to relax and have fun with the holiday season! We have a lot of great things planned the next couple of weeks. With Cain's birthday and the Christmas parties we have... should be a good time.

We are going to start our season off right with a Birthday party for Cain and a little Christmas party all in the same night. This being our first Christmas as husband and wife we were short on a lot of "Christmasy" decor. Thank goodness for Goodwill and the love of family members. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our life to help us with the things we don't have.

This is my first Christmas to decorate my house, you could say I'm pretty excited.

I hope I just don't go over board :p

Will post more later this week and of course will have our party captured!

And the FIRST person I see comment and answer right to this line .... "You come from a long line of over reactors" wins a gift!

Hint - one of my all time favorites!


  1. That comes from Father of the Bride talking about Annie. Great movie!!

    1. You're RIGHT! Email me at lanette@lanettesphotography.com to get your prize!

  2. I was so hoping to ba able to answer it first. Seeing how I am the Father of the Bride. LOL
