A thank you note

A year ago I posted this post. Read it and come back ...

I had no clue that when I said "future husband" that he was actually going to make that come true the next day!!!

I always knew he would be my husband I just didn't know when he would ask me to marry him! Well that came sooner than I thought. That's tomorrow post!

But for today I just want to say how thankful I am for my husband today. He has shown me so much love and joy this past year and really our whole life together. He has never stopped loving me no matter how grumpy I can get. He says "You wanna fight" and holds up his fist and then starts to wrestle me to the ground! I just laugh and say "Not fair! You're bigger then me!"

I'm thankful for our parents who have been there for us for support and comforting voices. We are still kids at heart and want the wisdom only our parents can give.

Theres one more person I am feeling really thankful today and it's my closet and dearest friend, Betsy. This morning I was feeling overwhelmed with a decision Cain and I needed to make. Cain left early this morning for work and that left me thinking really hard about the decision at hand. I felt like something was missing though, I needed the advice and support from Betsy.

So at 5:30am I asked if she had time to talk, and of course she called me right then.

I wouldn't just ask anyone to talk to me that early. I needed someone I could share my fears with. But also my joys. She has been there through the "highs and lows" She has cried with me and laughed with me.... I needed her comforting voice and loving prayers to get through the next few days.

Changes can be great, but also scary. Having faith to know it's all going to be alright in the end is easier said to someone then actually done. But I have faith in my husband and in God to guide us through this next chapter in our lives .... and no it's not a baby!

More to come..

Mrs. Grogg

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